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Italian brand LOTTO signs agreements with 13 more Bangladeshi franchisees
Lotto has exceeded 120 franchisees all over the country. An agreement signing ceremony was held at a five-star hotel in Dhaka by Express Leather Products Limited, the licensee of Lotto Sport Italia, according to a press source. One of Express Leather Products Limited's directors, Syed Hashem, gave a welcome address before the event got underway. The chairman of the company, Engineer Md Nurul Haque, also gave a remark.
Kazi Jamil Islam, Managing Director of Express Leather Products Limited, presented the franchisees with an overview of the company's present operations and future business plan. Enriko Nunziata, the Italian ambassador to Bangladesh, attended the event as the chief guest. The successful franchisees received recognition crests and certificates for their excellent performance in various fields for the year 2020-2021. Eighteen franchisees received a trip to Sikkim, India for their excellent business performance for 2020-2021.
Kazi Javed Islam, the company's deputy managing director, gave the new franchisees instructions and presented them with a new business plan. To showcase all of Lotto's eye-catching items, a road show was organized. Subsequently, the children of the franchisees received Crests and Certificates for their exceptional board exam performance.
Over the past 47 years, Lotto Sport Italia has operated in over 110 countries worldwide. More than 700 products, including bags, personal care items, sports sandals, polo shirts, t-shirts, slippers, and premium lifestyle and athletic shoes, are all housed in Bangladesh. Lotto sport products are being sold all over Bangladesh in the outlets and as well as via E-commerce site named Expresshub.com . Express hub was an innovation of the Managing director Kazi jamil Islam on the pandemic time and now it is currently selling all the authentic and official products of Lotto Sport Italia. Express hub is currently selling official Lotto and Lee Cooper items for men, women, and children. Shoes, sandals, accessories, apparel, and other necessities for men, women, and children are sold at Expresshub. Right now, Expresshub is selling men's shoes, sneakers, polo shirts, t-shirts, and other items of the highest caliber. Lotto Shoes are now available from Express Hub at a competitive price. This is the best online store for providing customers with fashion clothing and sporting goods.